Letter from the CEO May 2018

When I travel to Honolulu for Amazing Care events, I’m always struck by how physically active people are here.  I’m an early morning person so I’m out walking at the Ala Moana Beach Park around 5 am.  It’s a great time to walk and let my thoughts wander.  The air is cool, I hear waves breaking, the birds are raucously preparing for a new day, and most of all, I see older people walking.  I’ve gotten to know some of them — we nod to each other and smile as we walk.

The people I meet while walking come in all sizes and shapes.  Sometimes, I see people walking in twos and threes,  chatting or simply quietly enjoying the early morning walk.  And I am struck by their dedication to their health.  Indeed, it’s one of the least kept secrets around here — being physically active contributes to aging with joy.

You’ll notice that I laud the simplest, least expensive path to physical activity — walking simply requires a good pair of shoes.  It appeals to my innate frugality and frankly, a disdain for fancy equipment and new-fangled techniques.  Most of all, walking with others kills the proverbial two birds with one stone — good physical activity and a social connection.

Whatever suits your fancy by way of physical activity, I’m cheering you on!  And if you can find a buddy to share it with, all the better.

Here’s to your growing network!

~ Cora, CEO and Founder

p.s. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter and join us at our upcoming events!

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