


Amazing Care Network is one way that employers can assist employees as they move through the aging process themselves or are caring for a spouse or older relative. A very large portion of American workers are part of the sandwich generation, caring for aging parents / relatives while also caring for their own children. With ACN, they will find resources and support necessary to navigate through complex issues such as insurance and medical decisions as well as getting the emotional encouragement they need.

Employees are able to choose to get as involved as they wish. Whether they participate in events, seek the advice of others, or contribute to their savings account, the company has offered them a valuable and unique benefit.

Employee benefit.

One out of every five employee is a caregiver and understands the need for connection and information. They will appreciate their employer enrolling them in an organization like Amazing Care Network. It shows that their employer is forward-thinking and looking out for their future needs. Employers can stay competitive with unique benefits that attract and retain loyal employees.

Recruiting & Retaining qualified employees.

In a competitive hiring environment, money is not the only thing employees consider. Benefit packages have become ever-more important. Offering employees memberships in ACN is a truly unique benefit that while inexpensive, shows that you care about the long-term health of your employee and their families.

Healthy & informed employees.

As an employer, concerned about the overall well-being of your employees, you know that those who are caregivers for a spouse or older relative may be distracted by worries about a loved one’s care, how to finance that care and how to deal with the emotional impact of challenging times. They may need help to deal with options and/or prepare for that time in the future when care needs become more urgent. Employers can help employees by tangibly demonstrating that support by enrolling them in ACN.

Savings program.

In recent studies (2013) it’s been found that most people far underestimate the costs associated with aging. Middle-class couples projected medical expenses to be about $48,000 through retirement, while the actual costs exceeded $260,000.* Having a dedicated savings plan through ACN provides a disciplined vehicle to set aside funds for needed services as we age.

*Fidelity data

You’ve got them covered.

Employer contributions to an ACN account can be used to pay for a wide range of services not covered by insurance, including copay for out-of-network services, travel for care, and much more.

Gifting resources.

Employees within the ACN network can gift funds either directly or anonymously to another member as financial support or as a boost to their morale. Employers will have a convenient, online tool to inform employees about a medical need faced by a co-worker. The employees may be willing and able to lend financial support. There are no transfer fees charged by ACN when funds are transferred electronically from their ACN account to a co-workers ACN account.


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