Our heads are the heaviest parts of our body, which means our poor necks have a super important job! Stress, poor sleep, declining muscle strength, physical ailments, and improper posture can take a heavy toll on this sensitive and critical part of our bodies – and it’s important to take care of it.

Here are five ways to take care of your neck and ease pain naturally:

1. Don’t stay in one position for too long
Improper posture is quite common, and difficult to reverse. As long as you make sure to get up and move around often enough, you can avoid unhealthy positions.


2. Do light stretches frequently.
Relax your shoulders and your back, while still keeping a straight spine. Gently drop your chin to your chest and slowly roll it back and forth, creating a half-moon curve with your head. After several slow movements in both directions, gently roll your head all the way back in a full circle. This is particularly effective first thing in the morning and just before bed: but take your time and go slowly! Forced or too-quick movements can cause more damage than do good.

3. Know your limits.
Don’t move heavy furniture, start a new aerobic exercise, or engage in any other activities before considering how it will affect your neck (and your back, which will in turn affect your neck!)

4. Stay ergonomically-minded.
Use a hands-free function on your phone or wear a headset/earphones. Prop your book or tablet up on a pillow, instead of lying it flat in your lap. Be sure you have a supportive pillow, but don’t sleep with your neck at higher than about a 45-degree angle to the rest of your body.


5. Get a good night’s sleep (6-8 hours per night)
Lack of sleep can increase the risk for issues, including musculoskeletal pain.

While neck pain is typically nothing to worry about, contact your doctor if you have other symptoms including radiating pain, weakness, or numbness of limbs – or if you have a fever or weight loss associated with neck pain.