As part of a lifestyle and aging series, we’re working with renowned photographer Terry Lorant to showcase inspirational leaders in the industry. Each month, we’ll feature an inspirational member of the Amazing Care Network community who is using his or her voice to empower others in the collective aging experience — and read, in their own words, what the Amazing Care Network’s efforts mean to them.

This month, Cora Tellez (Amazing Care Network’s CEO) chose to spotlight Tiffany Melone, CEO and Founder of Delicious Buzz. Tiffany and Delicious Buzz manage Amazing Care Network’s marketing, social media, and website. Tiffany founded her company in 2009, after working in the PR and events industry to showcase everything from sports tournaments to fashion shows. Today, she focuses on brands at a local level in San Diego and Hawaii, and works directly with the clients to make them look and feel great in the public eye. As a millennial entrepreneur, Tiffany offers a unique perspective on Amazing Care Network and its mission.


Tiffany: Thanks to science and technology, aging and caregiving is not yet a big or relevant concern for most millennials. I asked many of my friends if they have experienced caregiving. Only one said yes – she helped her single mother while recovering from ulcerative colitis surgery. As a child I remember often staying with my grandmother and watching her care for her diabetic mother. Every morning she brought her a tray with orange juice, a pill, other breakfast items and her insulin injection. Caring for live-in family members was more the norm then.

Many years ago, I helped my mother care for her mom who was losing a battle with breast cancer. That was a tough time. Aging can be beautiful and it can be unpleasant. At the time, family emotions got in the way of what would otherwise seem like easy, logical decision making. Once while spending the night with my grandma during her chemo treatments, she woke needing help to get to the restroom. She teared up and apologized for being a burden. That memory will stay with me forever. Aging can be heavy. It can be scary. It can make you upset with the process…the universe…God or whoever you believe in. We all know how the story ends. It’s the unknown. We fear the unknown and the unknown is really hard to plan for.

We’ve learned so much from the ACN teas and discussions. Our (millennial) view of aging is somewhat different from the perspectives of the other generation attendees at the teas. Likely because “you don’t know what you don’t know” and most millennials don’t know aging because they aren’t feeling the effects of it enough yet.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could make aging relatable to all generations? I recently tried to capture all of ACN’s target markets (millennials to seniors) while curating content for their new website. This was not an easy task! I’m not sure we captured enough of the younger generations, but we diversified. See for yourself: . To reach the masses and those younger generations, we’ve also made ACN very digital with a monthly e-newsletter, weekly blogs, and almost daily social media posts. We are always looking for new, generation relevant information to share. I’d love to hear all of your ideas.

Given my little experience with it, I looked into “millennials as caregivers” and found that 24% of caregivers were millennials in 2015. That’s a substantial number. Millennials are also currently the largest generation. And whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all aging. So this is relevant to everyone. ACN will be such a helpful resource for us. Anyone of us could be put into the position of caregiver at any moment. If I have learned one important thing from working with Cora and ACN, it’s that you can choose to age well by planning for your future. I know that when the time comes for me to care for a family member, a loved one, or myself, I’ll be so grateful for ACN’s guidance and resources. I look forward to hear more millennials saying this in the near future.

Story and photos by Terry Lorant.