If you suffer from foot pain, medication and physical therapy may help – but the easiest way to help prevent getting there in the first place is by maintaining a healthy weight.

And how do you do that? It’s the same thing you’ve heard over and over again, but here are some easy ways to implement the things you already know into your lifestyle:

1. Be physically active. Aim for 30 minutes of strenuous activity (fast swimming, running, aerobics, etc.) or 60 minutes of moderate activity (walking, biking) every day. Every. Day. And make sure you’ve got the right shoes for whatever you’re doing – it may even be worth the investment to go to a specialist and have your feet specially sized and fitted for proper shoes.

2. Shift your diet. Sound vague? Limit your refined carbs (like white bread) and processed sugars (that includes soft drinks, juices, candy, and desserts). Reduce your meat consumption (especially processed deli meats) to a portion about the size of one deck of cards a day. Fill up the rest of your diet with whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. And, of course, reduce (in fact, try to eliminate) saturated and trans fats, and use olive and vegetable oil instead of butter, margarine, or hydrogenated oils.

3. Control your portions. Learn to stop eating BEFORE you’re full (you will likely feel full within 10 minutes after you stop, as it’s a delayed reaction.) Choose appetizers or salads instead of entrees in restaurants, or share big plates. Share or skip dessert. Don’t drink your calories (8 ounces of Coke has 100 calories and 38 grams of sugar!!) Stick to water and herbal teas, and drink lots of both.

All of these tips will help you maintain (or achieve) a healthy weight, if you stick to them daily. As a result, you’ll notice reduced foot pain and easier mobility, which in turn help you maintain that healthy weight! It’s an endless circle of win-win.