Last month was exciting for Amazing Care Network.  We hosted our first millennial event in San Diego and I was pleased and encouraged by the interaction among the group and the lively discussions.  With birthdates between 1981-1996, these young folks have vibrant energy and are experiencing exciting times in their lives personally and professionally. 

At the same time, Millennials are now becoming caregivers.  According to a recent AARP study, one in four family caregivers is a Millennial.  They provide support to a variety of people in their lives, including a parent or grandparent.  I was surprised to learn that more than half of Millennial family caregivers are the sole caregiver and are alone in their caregiving duties.  They are also generous with their time and money.  The study noted that millennials spend a higher share (27%) of their incomes on caregiving than any other generation.

“As millennials move into caregiving range of their aging parents in the next few years, the dynamics of the “sandwich generation” are likely to transition into more of a “Club Sandwich generation,” comprising four-generation families that are interdependent in multiple ways (Journal of Financial Service Professionals, vol. 73, No. 6, November 2019).”  We heard this loud and clear from our guest speakers at our millennial event.  Read more about that event here.

I am excited that our Amazing Care Network may be of even greater value to Millennials than other groups.  And I am happy to extend our services and support to all groups, including Millennials! 

Cora Tellez, CEO and Founder

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