So you want to retire in another country? Dreaming of sipping piña colada on the white sands of Bali, or watching the sun set over the Australian Outback? 

It’s possible, but you need to think about several important factors:


  1. The cost of living

The good news: there are plenty of paradise-like places around the world where a couple can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle on a modest budget. But once you retire, your income will be more or less fixed. Do you know how much it will be? 

The Social Security Administration offers a Retirement Estimator ( that provides an estimate of your future Social Security benefits based on your employment earnings.


  1. The climate

After you’ve determined your budget, think about the climate you’re seeking. Changing seasons? Year-round sun? Consider any health issues, as well: seasonal allergies, poor blood circulation, and how well you can actually handle heat.


  1. Distance from your family

Your budget and the weather may be easy to figure out. But have you been honest with yourself about how far you’ll be from your family – particularly your kids and grandkids? Are your parents still alive, and will they need assistance as they age? These are very important factors – if not THE most important factors – to consider before you jet across the world. 


  1. Daily life

If you’re just relocating to a different part of the country, this might not be difficult. But if you’re planning on going the full expat route, be sure you’ve given careful consideration to how you’ll spend your days. Do you have hobbies? Can you still have them in your dream retirement country? Are there enough activities for both you and your spouse to enjoy alone and together? If your spouse dies, would you want to stay there alone? Of course, remember that retiring abroad will give you an opportunity to try new things, not just to do more of whatever you already enjoy.

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