The Hawaii members of the Amazing  Care Network were treated to a very informative talk on April 5, 2017 by Curt Kiriu who is a certified aging in place building contractor. Curt reviewed for our group the forces that will drive seniors and their families to consider retrofitting/renovating their homes if they wish to stay and age in place.

Among other things, we learned that making changes to one’s home should first consider the needs of the caregiver.  The care giver is likely to be the most taxed physically in caring for the care recipient.   Thus, renovations should take into account the tasks required of caregivers and enable them to carry them out safely and efficiently.

Curt also reviewed new innovations in home design that will enable us to live safely in our homes, such as those that minimize the risk of falling.  His experience in caring for his father for many years have informed his thinking and approach to how we age in place.

Curt was warmly thanked by the Hawaii group for a most informative and very helpful talk. We hope to see you at one of our next events!

~ Cora Tellez

To view more photos from this event, visit our album HERE.