Last week, we hosted our first Amazing Care event in Irvine, California. We featured Pat Bemis who did a fantastic job of describing the challenges of caring for someone with dementia. In the audience were health insurance agents and brokers who coach and guide employers faced with difficult benefit issues, including how to support employees who are caregivers. We now know that one out of every five employees in the United States today is a caregiver and of those, one out of every four is a millennial.

Today’s employers are facing a tight labor market which means recruiting and retaining talent is key. It’s important for them to find a solution so their employees are productive on the job while being responsible for caring for a loved one. We talked about Amazing Care Network and how the savings program can assist employers to help their employees fund the cost of caregiving.  We believe our program can be a powerful resource to employers and we hope our broker partners can utilize Amazing Care to benefit their employer clients.

2018 promises to be a year of growth. Thank you for being a part of Amazing Care Network. We couldn’t do it without you!


~ Cora, CEO and Founder

p.s. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter and join us at our upcoming events!