Dear Friends,

My good friend from junior high school and I had lunch to celebrate Mother’s Day. Marita reminded me that we’ve known each other for over 57 years, and in honor of our mothers, now deceased, we shared memories of ourselves and each other as daughters. The picture below captures me and my two wonderful sons who have no clue of what I was like as a daughter.

One of the taglines for the Amazing Care Network is that it takes a village to age well. You’ve heard this saying before, but usually in connection with children. Well, I’ve learned that it applies beautifully to all of us, and especially seniors. My village, for example, consists of family and friends and colleagues from work, college, quilting groups, and nonprofit associations spanning interests acquired through the years. Some like Marita have known me for years; others are more recent. Think about your village and how it’s changed over time. My hope is that your village has sustained and comforted you in good and tough times.

Villages don’t flourish without care. And that’s the central message here. Marita and I, for example, have stayed connected through space and time, even though our lives have taken us in different states and sometimes, we don’t connect for months. Connecting via phone, in-person meetings, texts and emails, takes time and energy. It’s the price one pays for a lifetime of connections, and it’s a price worth paying. I am a better person because of the connections in my village. I hope you feel the same way.

On a different note, I’m happy that we’ll start our in-person meetings again! Watch for announcements for Honolulu, Oakland and San Diego. We’ll also be posting the last of our interviews in the next couple of weeks. Please look for them here

I hope to see you soon at an Amazing Care event. Until then, best wishes,
