My Login Welcome Page2020-07-17T00:13:08-08:00



Cora Tellez
Cora TellezCEO - Amazing Care Network

Welcome to Amazing Care, and thank you for joining us!

Since we started this organization, I’ve been humbled and awed by how our members have found value in our services and the connections we’ve enabled.  I so hope you will feel the same way.

On a personal note, I feel so much stronger and empowered as a result of Amazing Care.  I now have resources that I can count on as and when I need them, from helping with locating care-givers to making sense of long-term care insurance policies.  I also have a safe place (our events) to have difficult conversations with people I’ve known for awhile as well as new members who have joined us.  Aging, care-giving, financial planning and other topics we discuss are not easy for many of us to deal with.  I’ve learned, however, that in the company of ACN members, I can learn and feel more in control.

I’ve used every service offered by Amazing Care, because they provided solutions to the challenges I faced in caring for my husband, in helping friends cope with care-giving for their loved one, and in my role as a hospice volunteer.  I trust your experience with Amazing Care will be a meaningful addition to your life in aging well and with grace.  Here’s to our journey together!

Featured Members

Employer Login

Don’t forget to keep your list of members current. Upload a new roster every month to ensure all your members are in good standing.

Savings program

In recent studies (2013) it’s been found that most people far underestimate the costs associated with aging. Middle-class couples projected medical expenses to be about $48,000 through retirement, while the actual costs exceeded $260,000. Having a dedicated savings plan through ACN provides a disciplined vehicle to set aside funds for needed services as we age.


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